Sycamore Ice Skating Club celebrated the end of a successful 2014–15 season at its annual banquet on April 11 at the Columns Ballroom in Indianapolis.

Club officers started the spring banquet years ago to honor skaters’ accomplishments from the past year, to recognize volunteers’ and coaches’ work and to get to know all members and families better.

For the 2015 spring banquet, we encouraged club members, coaches and potential new members to attend. The spring general membership meeting was conducted while attendees enjoyed lunch.

Michele Dietz, Rebecca Updike and Ellie Price were elected to three-year terms on the board of directors. Barb Rector, treasurer and Learn to Skate coordinator, presented awards and certificates to our skaters and coaches.

In addition to awards for completed U.S. Figure Skating tests and competition achievements, Sycamore ISC presented the Laughlin Award to our group of skaters who competed at the 2015 Columbus Invitational — club members Lauren Houk, Meg Strickland, Corinna and Caroline Schilling, Sophia Dietz, Alex Balint, Raewyn Updike, Olivia Glass and Brooke Derheimer and Learn to Skate members Neta Zacharkiw, Olivia Allen, Caroline Wheatley, Shelby Jones and Enya Lind.

While the award has been given to individual skaters in recent years, the board thought it was appropriate to highlight the skaters’ teamwork and support for each other.

The entire team was extremely supportive of each other for the competition,” said Elizabeth Finn Murdock, president of Sycamore ISC. “They all exemplified the meaning of the Laughlin Award.”

The Laughlin Award is an annual award presented to a club member or group of skaters who work to improve the club and encourage fellow members. Click here for a list of previous Laughlin Award winners.